
In a world where the word love has so many meanings, Michael’s book ‘A Mechanic’s Handbook To The God Of The Bible: Why God Just Makes Sense’ explains what God says true love is. His book is a compelling guide to the complexities of God. Using Biblical truths, personal testimony & analogies Michael is able to give understanding to God’s love, mercy, forgiveness and peace for life. As the Bible doesn’t edit out the failures of it saints, Michael didn’t edit out his failures, making the book relatable for all those who are searching or want to expand their knowledge of a loving God. His journey is anything but boring, and the subject matter covers not only who God is and His love for us, but covers a wide spectrum of personal experiences, struggles and reflections, which may be a comfort for those navigating life in a harsh world.

About The Author: Michael O. Borthwick

Michael O. Borthwick has been an automotive mechanic since the seventies, and a Christian since the eighties, but what does that have to do with writing a book?

In December 2019, Mike was affected with an illness doctors couldn’t identify at that time, and it affected his health in such a way that Mike was unable to enjoy his passion – biking. Mike was an avid cyclist, averaging over 5,500 miles per year, with a few races in the mix. Unable to cycle anymore Mike didn’t let his new physical limitations take away his drive in life, instead he changed his focus from biking to helping someone else who was going through some serious health issues. He did this by writing out how his walk with God has always brought him comfort and peace in times of difficulty. Over time this lead to writing his book ‘A Mechanic’s Handbook To The God Of The Bible, Why God Just Makes Sense.’ 

Being a mechanic Mike has been taught to think systematically, since God’s word is laid out systematically in the Bible, he uses those skills and his way with words and stories to layout Biblical truths, making the scripture used in the book easy to understand. 

Mike’s life shows he was a man living on the edge, his book tell the story of how God got ahold of him before he could fall off.



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What We Believe

The God Of The Bible: Exist in three person as the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit, all are equally God.

The universe, the world and all life was created by God.

The Bible is the inspired word of God, and is the final authority in all matter of faith and life practices.

Jesus Christ is God, made flesh by the virgin birth, He was fully God and yet fully man, died on the cross, after His death He was buried and rose from the dead, and now lives at the right hand of God the Father.

Jesus’ death on the cross was sufficient to completely pay the sin debt owed by all man, restoring the broken relationship between God and man.

Since sin has broken our relationship with God, to be saved and granted entrance into heaven after death, one must place one’s faith entirely in the finished work of Christ on the cross. There is nothing that anyone can do to earn salvation, other than believing Christ died in our place and paid the price of our own sins, and rose again. Accepting this gift by faith, and turning from our life style that is not pleasing to God, we will be save from future judgements and have a renewed fellowship with God.

There is nothing that anyone can do to earn salvation. We cannot be “good enough” to please God on our own, because we are all sinners. There is nothing more to be done, because Christ has done all the work! When He was on the cross, Jesus said, “It is finished” meaning that the work of redemption was completed.