Book of The Day / Comments


The First Ten Focus Group Feedback for A Mechanic’s Handbook To The God Of The Bible: Why God Just Makes Sense

Because A Mechanic’s Handbook To The God Of The Bible was Book of the Day, some of our most trusted members have carefully looked over the cover, the description, and other aspects of this book as a part of purchase-intent focus group. We then asked each participant in the focus group if they planned to buy and read the book, and why they planned to buy and read the book or not. Their answer to that question and reasons are displayed below. We call this awesome feature The First Ten Focus Group.

IMPORTANT: Any score over 10% is considered very good. And any score above 0% is acceptable. This is because we only poll about 20 or so readers, and all readers have to say “no” to almost all books. Over a million books are published each year. Even a very active reader cannot come close to even reading 1% of books out there.

A Mechanic’s Handbook To The God Of The Bible earned a score of 19%.

In other words, out of the top-level reviewers who read at least the first 10 pages of this book, 19% plan to read the whole book.

Kira Bonita Reece

In this book, the author shared his experiences and how he came to know God as his saviour. I like inspiring books so I would read this based on the blurb, title, genre, customer review, cover, and the official OnlineBookClub review. I liked the author’s writing style. It was straightforward and relatable. I found no errors in the sample so I can deem it professionally edited. The book needs no improvements. I will be reading it because it is an inspiring one.Do you plan to read the whole book? Yes!


I love to sample the book right away when the title is quite obvious about its genre, like this one. Yes, I’m a part of this program, but I also consider reading blurbs and customer reviews to gain more understanding about the book. From the sample, I learned that this is a self-help book about seeking peace, freedom, forgiveness, hope, and love. I need these attributes of positive thoughts right now, so I decided to read the rest of the book. I’m happy that the tone of the writing style is very friendly, and I can sense the peaceful aura of the topic. I like the topic of being hopeful, which can save someone’s life. Truly, hope is a force that can help someone move forward in life, which I highly appreciate in the sample. The author is a licensed mechanic who connects his profession to his beliefs in Jesus Christ. His experience may help others, especially those who are still confused about their faith in Jesus Christ. Furthermore, I read the OBC review, which was very helpful in describing the contents of the book and helping me make my decision. I don’t see any errors. I can’t think of anything to improve or dislike about the sample because the topic flows well.  Do you plan to read the whole book? Yes!


Spiritual books are not my usual reads, but the blurb, customer review, and the official OnlineBookClub review convinced me to give it a try. Outside the First Ten program, I would not have read this book based on the cover, title, and genre because it seemed a bit boring. After reading the sample, I must say I was impressed. I liked reading about the author’s near-death experiences. They were relatable. I also liked the author’s advice about having hope. The book needs no modifications and I found no errors in the sample. I will give it a read because the author’s life journey seems intriguing. Do you plan to read the whole book? Yes!

Stellah Chege

I would have read this book based on the cover page and title only. I never pass an opportunity to better my knowledge of God and grow my faith. I loved the author’s reference of a mechanic and following a certain guideline to achieve desired results. So much can be applied in life. I’d love to read this book to understand more of the reference. The OBC review and blurb also encouraged me to read this book. I will buy and read the book. Do you plan to read the whole book? Yes!


I relish reading religious-based books. Since the title and cover page hint that this book is based on the genre, I would have read this book without necessarily sampling it. I flagged zero errors meaning the book was edited by a professional. I loved that the author incorporated biblical scriptures to support his arguments. It makes the book more authentic and appealing. I didn’t find anything worth improvement. Having read the OBC review and the first ten pages, I will complete reading this book as it falls under the aforementioned genre. Do you plan to read the whole book? Yes!

Damian Keyes

The OBC official review for this book spoke to me on a spiritual level, because I asked where was God during those dark periods in my life. This review really shined a light on what I had to learn about God’s love and how it’s forevermore. Because this book delves into the realm of religion and spirituality, I would have read this book even if I was not in this program. The author’s story of how he found God after a car accident he had in 1978 with his friend Olaf is an example of how God is there to save us with his mercy and grace. A quote I found in my reading that stood out to me was: “Without hope, life loses its significance.” I found no errors or anything I disliked about this book. I am going to buy this book and finish reading it because the message is important. Do you plan to read the whole book? Yes!

Kaitlyn Canedy

If A Mechanic’s Handbook To The God Of The Bible hadn’t been the OnlineBookClub’s book of the day, I would have checked it out due to the title. I like reading books about the Bible, so I knew I would want to read this book. The description was very simple and easy to understand. There is one positive customer review, but it did not affect my decision to sample the book. I like the author’s story about why he became a strong disciple of the Lord; he was honest about what made him change his mind. I did not find any grammatical errors in the sample, and there is nothing I disliked or thought needed improvement. An official OnlineBookClub review exists for this title, but I did not need to read it to make the decision to read it. Do you plan to read the whole book? Yes!


I would not have been interested in reading this book outside the program because of the title. A book about God and mechanical procedures does not sound interesting: it is a strange mixture. However, after reading the sample, I fell in love with the story. The author explains how mechanical procedures resemble how we should serve God. It is a simple and intimate story with clear examples that are easy to intensify with; therefore, I will buy this book. Errors: none. I liked the part where the author talks about his doubts about God and death; I identified with his fear and his need to change his life. I consider that nothing can be improved. The official OBC review was informative and helpful. Do you plan to read the whole book? Yes!

Adrian Rondon Salazar

Despite being a Christian, I seldom read books of the Christian faith. However, seeing the title of this book changed the stereotype I have towards Christian books. I instantly became attracted to the book. The book’s title is enough reason to sample it even if I don’t belong to the OBC. Reading the first ten pages gave me the inspiration I needed to finish reading the book. The author’s definition of hope gave me a different and better perspective. One thing I like about the book is the manner the author introduced his life story to form the basis of his message. I believe there is much I can learn from his story to apply in improving my relationship with God. This is a book I would like to begin the year 2023 with. Another thing I like about the book is the author’s writing style. He was straightforward and concise, thus making the chapters brief and interesting. So far, the book’s editing is outstanding. I enjoyed reading the book’s review on the OBC platform, but it didn’t influence my view of the book. Do you plan to read the whole book? Yes!


While I enjoy reading nonfiction, I tend to stay away from religious books. The synopsis of this book caught my attention. After reading the sample, I decided that I wanted to read this book. The themes of forgiveness, finding a connection to God through Jesus Christ, and eternal life are what struck me about this book. There is a helpful official Onlinebookclub review of this book and only one Amazon review. I like the writing style. Usually, similar books I encounter are a little bit condescending, but here I could feel the author being genuine and open about his experiences. I’m adding this book to my TBR. I didn’t notice any errors, and I wouldn’t change anything about the book.  Do you plan to read the whole book? Yes!


I am always looking for Christian-inspired books and would have sampled this book. The way the author described hope stood out to me. I never considered life insignificant without hope. I noted an error. Beyond editing, I have no suggestions for improving the book. The OBC review did not influence me to keep reading. I didn’t read anything online to alter my decision. I would like to keep reading to see how the author grew in faith. Do you plan to read the whole book? Yes!


While I enjoy reading nonfiction, I tend to stay away from religious books. The synopsis of this book caught my attention. After reading the sample, I decided that I wanted to read this book. The themes of forgiveness, finding a connection to God through Jesus Christ, and eternal life are what struck me about this book. There is a helpful official Onlinebookclub review of this book and only one Amazon review. I like the writing style. Usually, similar books I encounter are a little bit condescending, but here I could feel the author being genuine and open about his experiences. I’m adding this book to my TBR. I didn’t notice any errors, and I wouldn’t change anything about the book.  Do you plan to read the whole book? Yes!

Ekta Kumari

The author employs personal anecdotes and scripture to convey who God really is and encourage the reader’s faith and trust in God. I wouldn’t have read the book based on its genre due to a lack of interest in religious themes. What I liked the most, though, was the structure of the narrative with clearly segmented headings. The author also talks about his childhood and background. I liked what the author had to say about the significance of hope and how his hope in God was enlightened. I wasn’t able to find any editing errors and would rate the book as professionally edited. I wouldn’t suggest anything for improvement either. I saw a useful official OBC review but won’t consider reading the whole book because I’m not into the central subject. 

Gabriella H

The book cover, title, genre, OBC official review, and blurb didn’t attract me to this book. Therefore, I wouldn’t have read it without this program. From the first ten pages, I got the opinion that this is a well-written book. I found it interesting that the author thought to pray at age twelve, given he had no religious affiliation and his life had just been upturned by the death of his older brother. However, it isn’t the genre I’m currently looking to read. So I won’t be completing this book. Personally, I didn’t notice any errors in the first ten pages. So I believe they were professionally edited. I didn’t see any customer or editorial reviews, and I wasn’t influenced by this. 


The title “Mechanic’s Handbook To The God Of The Bible” indicates that this is a religious book. The cover looks nice. There are only two Amazon customer ratings, which is not a good number for me to decide to sample the book. The Amazon summary states that the book is about God, morals, etc. As I am not interested in this theme, I would have skipped sampling the book if not for the First Ten program. As I sampled through the book, I found the narration describing God’s influence on the author. As I am not interested in this theme, I am not going to read this book in full. I found the sample professionally edited. I didn’t find grammatical or mechanical errors in the sample. I didn’t like anything specifically about the book. I don’t have any recommendations for the improvement of the book. Although I found one OBC review of the book, my decision to not to read the book in full is based on my own sampling. 


Despite the official OBC review and other published reviews, I did not intend to read the book because of the genre. I found no errors in the first ten pages. The author talked about how an ardent prayer on his part made him closer to God. He wished to disclose who God really is to his readers. The next part described his early life in Ontario. I did not particularly like anything in this book nor did I have any suggestions. Based on my genre preferences, I would not read the whole book. 

Emy Katherine

As I am not fond of non-fiction books, I would not have read the book based on the title, cover, and genre. I found no editorial reviews, but the book had positive customer reviews and an informative Amazon blurb. Neither the OBC review nor the sample changed my mind, but I enjoyed the easy-to-read writing style as the author explained how important it is to have hope and faith in our lives. By sharing his real-life experiences, the author highlights how his life changed for the better after learning to trust God and building a personal relationship with Him.

Chelsy Scherba

I like how the author described his life before he knew God. He was a reckless driver who didn’t care about anything, and I found it interesting that he eventually saw God and the Bible like a mechanic, very organized and designed from start to finish. That idea was intriguing. I have no suggestions for improvements because I feel the book is well-written and edited professionally. This book would interest me if I saw it outside of the program. Sounds like a book worth reading, but I will have to finish the rest of my list first, so for today it’s a no on purchasing. 


Based on the genre, title, cover, description, and the official OnlineBookClub review I read, I would not pick this book to read. I rarely read book about religion. I read the sample pages and saw no editing errors, so this book seems professionally edited. I like that the author relates the Bible to an instruction manual. I also like how the author tells about the hard times he has been through. I have no suggestion for improvement. Readers looking for a clear and easy way to understand God’s instructions for us may enjoy this book. I liked the sample more than I expected, but the sample and OBC review did not grab my attention enough to continue reading.

Kelsey Roy

I was not initially intrigued by the cover or title of “A Mechanic’s Handbook To The God Of The Bible.” These details signify a non-fiction religious self-help genre, which does not increase my interest. The blurb and OBC review discuss the author’s goal to bring his real-world perspective about the Bible and God to readers. This perspective is admirable, but I am not looking for more information about the Bible. I love the humble nature of the author’s writing. The author tells the reader his story and invites them to hear his perspective. He’s not shoving his opinion or religion down the readers’ throats or shaming anyone for not sharing his beliefs. I found nothing to dislike about this sample. I have no recommendations for the author. I’m not looking to read a religious book now, so I will not purchase and continue this book. 


At first sight, the title and cover do not seem to have anything to do with the content, although the relation is later understood. Either way, I think the book should attract many interested readers. As a whole, I like readings that can transmit life lessons. The blurb notes that the book explores how the author found peace and harmony once he reconciled to God through Jesus Christ. The only customer review is very flattering. The official OnlineBookClub review highlights that the author compares the manner we serve God with mechanical procedures. Based on these elements, I might give this book a try. The first ten pages reflect a spiritual conversion of the author that took years. It began with his unexpected prayer at the age of twelve. I identify with several of the author’s approaches, especially those seeking answers to age-old questions. I believe we can all feel unfulfilled if we don’t find purpose or meaning in life. The example of the two men in a pow camp is explanatory. I liked the topic of hope was covered, and I agree that without hope, life loses significance. The loss of his brother Steve and the car accident in which he was thrown out of the window brought him closer to God. I liked the reasonings about when we ask God, or a higher power, for answers and then do not want to see them or act upon them. In this sense, I agree that change is habitually a scary business. What I read was entertaining but didn’t completely capture me. I established very high expectations regarding the author’s experiences with God.


The book’s title and cover are both intriguing and challenging to put together, bringing attention to them. Based on them, I would read the book. Although I read the blurb, customer review, and official OnlineBookClub review, none of them had any influence on my decision. Because I’m not in the mood to read books with a spiritual subject right now, I won’t be reading the book. I appreciate the way the author conveyed to the readers his emotions following the death of his older brother Steve in a car accident. It’s great that Michael O. Borthwick highlighted this story in the book since I believe it had a significant impact on the author’s personality and spirituality. Nothing in the book, in my opinion, needs to be improved. 

Yvonne Monique

The book cover is beautiful. I like images of nature. However, as the title clearly states that this is a religious book, and I do not read that kind genre, I would not pick this book up if I would see it in a bookstore. The first ten pages are well edited and written in a way as if a close friend is talking to you. I agree with the author that, even if you are not a Christian, living a life according to the Bible will not make your life worse. Also, the first chapter about hope, contains some very true messages. I will not buy this book as my favourite genre is a different one, but I am sure that this is an interesting read for the target audience. I have no suggestions for improvement. 

Andrada Madalina

“A Mechanic’s Handbook To The God Of The Bible” by Michael O Borthwick is a non-fiction book that illustrates a man’s reconciliation with God. I liked the simplicity of the book cover and found it suggestive of its catchy title and descriptive blurb. I did not find any editorial reviews for this book, but I sampled it because of its positive customer review and excellent Official OnlineBookClub review. The book seems exceptionally well edited since I discovered no error while reading its first ten pages. I would not improve anything on the book because I enjoyed its conversational writing style in the bit I read and appreciated Michael’s sincere tone when he presented his relationship with God. Also, I liked the author’s personal note from the beginning of the book. Nevertheless, I will not buy and read the whole book because I am not interested in stories about God’s salvation and spiritual needs. 

Laura Ungureanu

I’m not a fan of Christian books, so I didn’t want to sample this one. Its appearance, blurb, OBC review, and Amazon review had no effect on me. I only sampled it because of the program. The author states his intention early on, proceeding to share his biography. I actually enjoyed reading about his passion for mechanics. He then compares it to God’s Work. I actually enjoyed reading about his thought processes. Based on his description, I don’t think the book is for me merely because of the difference in beliefs. Thus, I won’t be reading this book. There is nothing I would dare to change about this book.

Tara D Morgan

I would not have read this book if I had not been in the OBC program. The cover would have drawn me to it initially, but as soon as I saw the title and realized the book was about God, I lost interest. I do not believe there is such an entity as God, so this book is not for me. However, having read the first ten pages, I enjoyed the writing style and grew to like the author. I enjoyed reading about Borthwick’s job as a mechanic and the rules he has to follow to repair a car. I liked the analogy between a mechanic’s job and God’s. I also liked the sentence where Borthwick says he hopes everyone will glean something from reading his book, but if they say to him it is not for me, then he has a short paragraph he would like the reader to read before dismissing the book completely. The proofreading was perfect; I did not find any errors in the first ten pages. I have also read the OBC official review, which did justice to the book and the author. 

Shanesha Sammerson

The title of the book is what caught my attention. I wanted to know how you can relate mechanics to a relationship with God. The summary on Amazon was interesting enough to make me want to read it, as I could relate to the author’s feelings. The OBC review was well-written and made me want to read it. If I were not part of OBC, I would have read it because of the interesting title. I have been looking for a down-to-earth book to renew my faith in God, and from the beginning, how he explained the mechanics of God had me interested. The part about how you have to follow certain rules and can’t skip components in a relationship with God just like in a car because it would cause problems was a great explanation. I would buy it after reading the first 10 pages. There is nothing I would change or dislike about the book.